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By Susie Black - get free updates of new articles here
What's your happy medium?
Infection levels seem to keep rising but we've all become accustomed to performing our own, ever shifting, risk assessments. Personally, I've mostly followed the Scottish Government guidelines, albeit about 2 weeks behind, and I've felt pretty secure with the events I've planned.
Whether you're at the start or the end of this journey, your reasons for your decisions are fascinating.
Here's a list of social activities that probably make up the journey back to pre-pandemic society I've either achieved or plan to achieve by the end of the year. I know we all feel differently about these activities. What stops us? And conversely, what's the incentive to make it happen?
Walking with friends
Visiting friends in the garden
Having coffee/cake at a cafe
Going for a meal out at a restaurant
Going on a cinema/theatre/sports trip
Staying away from home in your own holiday home/caravan
Staying at a hotel
Staying at a friend's house
Having friends to stay
Travelling abroad
Similarly, I've spoken to many people who have used this time to drop a few activities which no longer enriched them, streamlining their days to better reflect their current interests. What a great idea!
I'd love to hear more about where you are on this list.