Are you Winning? Evaluation part 3 of 3
By breaking down goals and honestly considering the effects of each change you are better informed about what works for you.
Are you Winning? Evaluation part 1 of 3
Evaluation is the process used to study how these efforts have enabled you to achieve the desired goal. To evaluate we must measure.
What's the deal with body fat percentages?
Why look at body fat? What do we need to know about it and how can we use body fat measurements to help us remain healthy?
Resolution 101, making 2018 your healthiest year yet.
don't be disappointed with your measurements. If all your trousers are XXXL it’s unlikely that your body fat percentage will fall into t
5 top FAQ's about New Year exercise resolutions for the unfit.
The prospect of starting a fitness regime (scary word right there... regime) is daunting for the uninitiated but fear not.
10 routes to fitness for 2018
Let all these great ideas sink into your subconscious now and they'll drift back to inspire you when you're ready in January.
"I'm getting stingy with my calories"
"The thinking it took to get us into this mess is not the same thinking that is going to get us out of it."
Start With Why
“There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it." Simon Sinek (bestselling author of
National Obesity Week
It's a good time of year for it! Most people have regretted at least one mince pie and some of us are reeling from the effects of our...
Nearly Normal Norman
How do you compare with the NHS guidelines for your weekly activity? What about the WHO (World Health Organisation) recommendations for...