Are you Winning? Evaluation part 2 of 3
Evaluation helps us decide when we have achieved each part of the process so we can confidently move on.
Asking other people for help: Gameplan
While it’s possible you may find they're fascinated by this process of change, it’s more likely that their eyes will glaze over once you
Habit Loops: making change automatic
Cue, action and reward means when you see X, you do Y and you get Z. You respond to the cue and your habit formation does the rest.
Four ways you can organise change. Week four: As a game
To break your goals into a game, think in terms of levels. Each goal helps arm you with skills and knowledge you need to beat the big baddie
Free: Your toolkit for change (part 1 of 5)
By the end of this series you should understand the logic behind change, have insight into past failures and increased confidence in your ab
Playing consequences with your health
If 30 minutes of exercise a day can alleviate and prevent so much misery, why isn't it done? The answer is usually 'because I feel a