What's the deal with body fat percentages?
Why look at body fat? What do we need to know about it and how can we use body fat measurements to help us remain healthy?
The facts about BMI
Body Mass Index or BMI is an equation designed in the 19th Century by a mathematician and statistician named Adolphe Quetelet.
Resolution 101, making 2018 your healthiest year yet.
don't be disappointed with your measurements. If all your trousers are XXXL it’s unlikely that your body fat percentage will fall into t
Playing consequences with your health
If 30 minutes of exercise a day can alleviate and prevent so much misery, why isn't it done? The answer is usually 'because I feel a
5 top FAQ's about New Year exercise resolutions for the unfit.
The prospect of starting a fitness regime (scary word right there... regime) is daunting for the uninitiated but fear not.